Face Detection In Augmented Reality

Farouk Ben Ajimi
3 min readMay 12, 2021



The idea of face recognition was first brought by the mathematician Woodrow Wilson Bledsoe in 1960 who decided to hand draw proportion analysis and it was until 1991 until we start running these proportions analysis. and the use of it was first in the Super Bowl in 2002 in the US but it wasn’t that effective because they were looking for potential criminals but they ended having false positives. In 2010 Facebook succeeded to implement the facial recognition system via the auto face tag. At that point the Technology started growing bigger, An AI program was able to facilitate widely our lives. With a immense creativity There has been a variant uses of this technology, from recognizing criminals and protecting your devices, to daily uses like unlocking your phone, paying at the ATM. Nowadays It Became a tool of leisure and fun as it was implemented in Augmented Reality.

The AR implementation is connected directly with the world of computer vision. Generally, the media used is a video camera and a marker. By determining the position detected form the marker, AR can be accomplished in other word.

When it comes to face detection combined with augmented reality there you find a fascinating world full of fun experiences and that can show up in different ways. Augmented reality raided the field of Video Games as well as social media and took them to the next level. And these are 3 different subjects you can find this magnificent combo implementation.


As said before face detection got into video games in a fun way where you can part of the game you are playing. Face Raiders for example is a game where you can see that clearly. It is a 3D augmented reality shooter video game developed by HAL Laboratory and published by Nintendo. It is preloaded in every 3DS console in case you wanna try it.

The concept of the game is really simple you take a picture of yourself or a friend. and the game will take place with that face part of it


It’s really obvious how augmented reality took over social media. It is needless to say that the idea was really pleasant to people and that they found it funny to try to look like a bunny a butterfly. The success of this idea showed up when it first implemented in Snapchat. Once became successful, Instagram, Facebook and TikTok who broke all records with this face tracking system.
Various Videos on the net Widley known and viral thanks this technology that I’d like to call the trend of the century.

How does it works:

You Just film your face. Once the system track it will change depending on what filter you have picked.


Medical companies can harness augmented reality face recognition to hold remote consultations between patients and doctors. Facial expression recognition and eye-tracking technology could be valuable for assessing patients digitally, while facial AR modification could give realistic demonstrations of cosmetic surgery.



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